Day 2 - Practice Plan
The Skill Building Warm-up aspect of the daily practice plan is introduced. Prior to playing catch, we warm-up the players by doing simple drills that build playing skills.
Contents of the SBW review content taught in Day 1. Throughout the season, most of the SBW activities review or reinforce content covered in the previous practice (repetition is a huge priority).
Most drill content during practice builds off the content of Day 1. The entire series of practice plans is one continuous sequence of teaching. Each practice's content is related to, and builds off of, that of the previous practice.
We expand our teaching of Coordinated Team Play on defense, introducing Outfielders' Backing up responsibilities.
The teaching of the Batting Swing begins; Batting Practice Structure is introduced.
Skill Building Warm-up
Replaying the Ball
Backing-up — Outfielders
Turn Glove Side
There are situations where a player is fielding or catching a ball with their back to their to their target.
Relay Throws
Balls hit back to the Pitcher with a runner on first base
Pitcher and Corner Infielders fielding bunts
When teaching these situations, we want our player to Turn to Their Glove Side.
[Proper alignment of the body when throwing, has the Glove Shoulder pointing at the target.]
Turning to the Glove Side involves a quarter turn (90 degrees).
Turning to the throwing arm side requires a three-quarters turn (270 degrees). This takes more time. Also, players often do not fully complete this longer turn, resulting in poor body alignment to throw.
Poor body alignment leads to a rushed, weak, inaccurate throw.
Sequence of movements when a player has their back to their target:
Turn Glove Side
Get in a Power Position with shoulders and feet lined up with target
One strong shuffle towards the target — power is generated, while directing energy in the direction of the target
After making the throw, the player continues towards the target for another step or two (‘Follow Your Head’). This assures that the straight line of energy, towards the target, is maintained throughout the throwing action.