Day 3 - Practice Plan

We begin following the Standard Practice Plan template. After 4-5 practices of following the same routine, day to day, the kids and coaching staff can anticipate the flow of activities of a practice.

The resulting increase in efficiency and productivity makes practices more fulfilling and fun for everyone.

The 'Playing Catch Practice' aspect of the daily practice plan is now a bedrock 'Drill'. The players train the batting swing and the pitching/throwing motion each day before breaking out to play catch.

The drill wraps up with a Skill segment. We rotate through the same three drills: (1) Replaying the Ball (2) Relay Footwork (3) Receiving a Throw at a Base (the full sequence of actions). The good habits built through these skills impact almost every aspect of the game beyond batting and pitching.

Another step is taken in teaching Coordinated Team Play with the introduction of the movement responsibilities of the Pitcher, and coordinating the infield with the outfield.

Relay-Player footwork skills, and the Relay Play from the outfield to home plate, are introduced.

Skill Building Warm-up

Relay Footwork

I am Going to Go Get the Ball

The 3 Players in the Middle of the Field Always Move Towards the Ball

Relay to Home

Re: Drill Below

Explain to the players that, on a ball hit to the Center Fielder, the Shortstop runs out and the Second Baseman covers the base. We don’t have time to drill this today. If after a few days of scrimmage the players are struggling with which player goes to the outfield and which cover second base, the drill below can be inserted into the SBW.