(Training the Legs)


The action of a batter ‘Loading’, which we call ‘Turn Back’ may seem inconsequential. However it is critical that a batter executes this movement properly, and consistently. Executing this action well, requires practice.

All subsequent actions of the swing are affected by the quality of body position at the end of this initial movement.

Finish Position: (1) Weight on inside edge of back foot (2) Front Heel off the ground (will vary from batter to batter)


  • Put the body in position to best utilize legs to start and power the swing

  • Batter learns to use only the Leg muscles during the action; no effort with upper body, arms or shoulders


  • Stance with feet wider than the hips and weight on the inside edges of the feet (as well at the player can). Some younger and less experienced players may not, initially, be able to position their weight on the inside edges of their feet. Keep working at it; over time they will get more familiar and more comfortable.

  • Hands on Hips. We want the upper body, arms and shoulders relaxed and have No involvement in the action.


Gently push off the Pad of the Big Toe of the front foot:

  1. Front side of the body (Shoulder, Hip, Knee, Foot) turns inward slightly. Batter should be able to see pitcher with both eyes at the end of this action. If not, they have turned in Too Far (common with younger players…which is why we practice this action; to get it right, which takes time).

  2. Shift weight back about 4” against the inside edge of the back foot

  3. Back knee bends out over the big toe of the back foot

What Will go Wrong

  1. Batter Turns In too far. Fix: stand behind batter; gently hold the outsides of their shoulders (or hips). Give a gentle squeeze, then release, when the shoulders turn in too far. We don’t want to overpower the player and halt them from moving too far. The ‘squeeze’ alerts them of the point in which they turned in Too Far. The batter’s muscles use this physical que to alter their movements…on their next try. We want THEM to fix the issue. Note: it may take a week or more for the player’s muscles to learn to control this action.

  2. Batter turns their Face (eyes) away from the Pitcher. Fix: Coach stands in as a Pitcher holding up a ball (only needs to be 10’-15’ from the player/team). Instructs player/team to ‘Face the Ball’ (both eyes can see the ball) while ‘Turning Back’. (This is not an immediate Fix; repetition is required)

  3. Weight Shifts Back too far. Fix: Repetition. We practice this action over and over (multiple practice sessions) so the kids can develop the Muscle Memory to do it correctly.

  4. Knee bend points back, beyond the Big Toe. Fix: Repetition. We practice this action over and over so the kids can develop the Muscle Memory to do it correctly.