(training The bottom hand)
Bottom Hand — 1
The Bottom Hand puts no forward effort into the swing. The role of the bottom hand is Direction of the Swing, Control of the Swing, and serving as the HINGE of the swing.
When we see forward movement of the swing it is the result of the forward energy produced by the Legs/Knee, Back Elbow and Top Hand.
Set up in ‘Switch Heels’ position or with both feet at a 45 degree angle to home plate. Bottom hand positioned where the bat would be held, a bit above the back shoulder. (Place the Top Hand on the back hip; its not part of the drill).
Bottom hand ‘pulls’ approximately 4 inches towards Contact Point (simulating the forward movement that results from the Elbow Drive.
It finishes in a ‘Palm Down’ position, near the back armpit. The elbow of the lead-arm remains bent.
Important: HOLD the end position for a second, then repeat the action. Objective: train the lead arm muscles the FEEL for the point where the Bottom hand begins working as a HINGE. From this point the top-hand Wrist snaps forward, executing the Skip-a Rock action