(training The bottom hand)
Bottom Hand — 2 (Elbow to Elbow)
An almost universal flaw in the batting swing (including MLB players when they are struggling) is Pulling with the Front Side of their bodies (Bottom Hand, Lead Arm, and Front Shoulder) when initiating the swing action. The first action for generating energy to move the bat comes from the Legs.
The second action is the back Elbow driving forward, to the belt, alongside the torso. A batter wants to create this forward drive with the Back Elbow, and do so with No Pulling With The Front Side.
This Drill is designed to give a batter the the needed repetitions, in a short period of time, to train the Front Side to Not Pull while the Back Elbow drives forward [towards the front elbow].
Eliminate/Minimize pulling with the Bottom Hand, Lead Arm, and Front Shoulder in the Swing
Train the above while generating a powerful forward action with the back Elbow.
‘Lower Half Turn’ position. The back heel does not have to be off the ground; both feet can be flat, but we want them at a 45 degree angle to home plate
Hands positioned where the bat would be held in a regular stance; even with, or slightly above,the back shoulder.
Drive the back Elbow straight forward alongside the body (Elbow to Belt); allow shoulders to TILT.
We want to limit movement of the Lead Arm/Bottom Hand to 4". The action moves the Back Elbow towards, and closer to, the Front Elbow …’Elbow to Elbow’
While the action is made with the Back Elbow, the purpose of the drill is to train the limited movement of the Lead Arm/Bottom Hand
Helping With the Drill:
Stand across from the batter, as if standing on Home Plate or in the opposite batter’s box. Place a hand a few inches in front of the player’s bottom hand. There will be some forward movement of the Bottom Hand as a result of the Elbow Drive.
Watch the players lead arm. If there is much pulling with that arm, even an untrained eye can see it.
What Will Go Wrong
Pulling with the Front Side (Bottom Hand, Lead Arm, and Front Shoulder). Fix: Repetition
Batter Frustration. Fix: Verbal reminder that the batter is working to eliminate a lifetime habit, and a movement that all batters, including MLB, struggle with. Reassurance, Patience, Understanding that this is difficult to learn.