
(Training the top Hand)

Skip-a-Rock — 3 (Snap Past Hinge)

When the top hand executes the Skip-a-Rock action, it snaps past the Bottom Hand.   The forward effort put into the Top Hand moves the Bottom Hand forward.  We must recognize that during this aspect of the swing there is no forward effort generated by the Bottom Hand.  The batter wants to be conscious of the movement of the Bottom Hand and limit how far it goes forward until the bat barrel has passed the bottom Hand.  The function of the Bottom Hand is to work as a HINGE. (The hinge on a door does not move; the door moves past the hinge)

 [setting up for this drill, the first day or two, might be a bit tricky. Once the adult and player do it a couple times, it becomes second nature. Getting into position involves doing movements learned earlier, and holding the end position of those movements]


  • Increase awareness of the Bottom Hand

  • Eliminate forward effort generated by the Bottom Hand

  • Control, and minimize, movement of the front shoulder and lead arm, until the Top Hand is past the Bottom Hand

  • Bottom Hand remains on the Swing Line (straight out towards the field) following the path of the Top Hand to full extension of the top-hand arm




  • Execute the Lower Half Turn (maintain that position* with the feet and legs (it is ok to have both feet flat on the ground).  In simple terms: both feet are set at a 45 degree angle.

  • Next, execute an Elbow Drive (with back elbow) finishing with Elbow at the Belt. We want the top hand near the back armpit with palm facing up.

  • Both hands together: Bottom Hand, closed as if holding the bat

  • Head over back knee




  • Snap top-hand straight forward (towards the field) using the Skip-a-Rock action.

  • Bottom Hand remains ‘connected’ to the Top Hand until the end of the action: Top-Hand arm is fully extended

(It is OK to give a slight push with the back leg, to create energy, to assist the top-hand in performing the drill)



Help With The Drill:

  • Initially, and until they understand ‘Switch Heels Position’ (in reference to their feet) and ‘Power Drive Position’ (in reference to their back elbow and top hand), kids may need help getting into the starting position for the drill.



What Will Go Wrong:

  • Players make forward effort with their Bottom Hand

  • Bottom hand is pulled off the Swing Line

Fix (for both): verbal reminder that no effort is made to move the bottom hand or lead arm; Repetition